Our Culture Statement

Our Mission

Healthengine’s mission is to improve access to healthcare by helping Australians find and connect with all primary care providers. We strive to achieve this through Australia’s leading healthcare marketplace, bringing together over 4 million Australian patients, and more than 10 thousand practitioners that are powered by our technology – and growing.

The success of our marketplace is built on balancing the needs of both providers and patients. For providers, our role is to help grow their practice by driving new patients and support efficiency by engaging with their patients via our technology. For patients, our role is to improve connection to their care team, and to provide convenient and seamless access to thousands of primary care providers to help manage their health.

Our Culture

Improving access to healthcare is an ambitious and exciting mission that relies on the special culture we’ve created. We go to great lengths to nurture that culture, and this statement highlights what we value and the behaviours we expect.

We operate with a high degree of autonomy, trusting our team to exercise good judgement and act in Healthengine’s best interests. We leverage the flexibility to balance work and personal commitments to deliver on our promises and work hard to achieve our goals.

We move fast and frequently review how we operate in order to continuously improve. This relies on everyone speaking our minds respectfully, adapting to frequent change and embracing the best ideas no matter what level of the organisation they come from – with office politics unwelcome.

We never compromise on privacy and compliance. This means that some things may take longer to bring to market, and we gladly accept this to ensure we build the trust of our customers and patients.

We are curious and take opportunities to improve our skills and experience on the job, working across teams to help us improve. We encourage and support those who take the initiative to learn and accelerate their own personal development.

Finally, we operate at the intersection of two of the most exciting and important industries going – technology and healthcare. That makes everyone’s role at every level of Healthengine meaningful – if you believe in our mission, you’ll be helping make a contribution to improving access to healthcare.